Monday, September 1, 2008

I Think I'll Go Eat Worms!

Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I think I'll go eat worms!!! Not really but HELLLLOOOOOO??? Does anybody read our blog? We post and post and I see that ya'll comment on other people's blogs but no one is commenting on ours. Can someone show us some sugar? I know that some people are just "too busy" to comment but it would help me to know that you are reading the Passey Blog and that you care! Please and thank you, it would make us feel loved.


Kelsey said...

lol heheh good song. yes i check it often no worries. LOVE.

Jill said...

When if the last time you commented on mine you freak! Love ya and Miss ya.

Nash said...

it's because of the evil google reader, it's easy to read the blogs, but more work to go in and post.

Nash said...

OHhhhh and one of my friends ONLY comments on others blogs if they comment on hers. i think it's a little crazy, but she makes a good point. i comment on some and it's as though i don't exist, and i know that they see it.