Monday, December 1, 2008


I had a thought the other day while commenting on some of my cuzzinz blogs that I won't see them this Christmas (most likely). I haven't seen Amy's baby yet. That is my fault and plain SAD!
So I am proposing a Passey Cousins Christmas Party. It can be at my house. Everyone bring an appetizer. I will supply desserts and drinks. Maybe have a white elephant game, or just visit, exchange Christmas stories, what have you.
Oooh, maybe even if we got serious we could make something. The men can do something else, and yes I say they come too, they need to get to know each other. I have also seen a cute idea where they exchanged ornaments, you make 10 of the same, and everyone goes home with a bunch of new ones. We could even have theme, all of them RED or whatnot.
It doesn't have to be more than 2 hrs of your time. I just don't want to plan it unless ALL WILL attend.
I would love to see mandy and macey (missed her wedding), of course Amy and Aunt Janet, Lindsay,Kels. I am not trying to leave anyone out, still want to see Ash and Hanna, Mal and even the cousins wives. Mattie will not be here again until her baby is here. The parents of us siblings are also invited.
If I forgot something or you have a great idea to add, let me know.
Also, just let me know if you are IN.

*thinking around the 18th-20th, just need an idea when all can do it.
*of course we can do it earlier, mattie comes on the 13th.

**15th, 16th or 22nd. Everyone choose a day that works and we'll stick with it.
Can someone email mandy and macey who might not have seen this? Jill too.


The Williamson's said...

I love it!!! And I love the ornament idea. I say lets do it.

Unknown said...

I am totally in! Great Idea!

Moore Fun said...

I'm so there! I actually will be in town the 11th! I love the ideas. I was also thinking since we have sooo many kids how fun to put on a Christmas Pageant. This might just be me super excited and maybe a little too ambishious, but how cute would that be! Liberty could be baby Jesus!
I can't wait to see everyone!

Hanna said...

Cute idea! We will be out of town the 11-13th and then again the 17-20th - so it would have to be another day if we are going to make it. I really like the ornament idea for a present.

Kelsey said...

oh yes i want to see everyone!! i wont' be in az til the 17th so any date after works for me!!! yay lets make this happen

Brandon and Mandy said...

Yeah! I'm down!

Barnes Blog said...

I agree with Krista, you all suck!
I the one year I CAN'T be there you all go on and get together and have a Christmas Party without me. Seriously, are you wanting me to cry all Christmas Season, or is it just working out that way?
Bah Humbug!